
New Year at Chantaburi Beach by JhunPril


Articles from this blog mainly comes from the writer's personal opinion or experience, unless otherwise stated. If a write-up is made by other people, the blog owners will give full credit to them.

Images from the articles are mainly taken from the internet, with little to no alterations done. The authors of this blog site are trying their best to give credits to original owners of the pictures used.

This is an amateur blog site, so there might be some lapses as to minute details regarding the technicalities both in writing and in blogging. 

JhunPril is an amalgamation of the blog owners' names, they usually use it as their "couple name". Any similarities to other person's labels or such does not have to do with any aspects in this blog. 

Cool Zephyr is welcoming any comments or suggestion to help improve this blogsite.  

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