
New Year at Chantaburi Beach by JhunPril

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Health Benefits of Tawa Tawa against Dengue Fever

“Tawa Tawa Tea works great for infections, anxiety, diarrhea, asthma, Dengue Fever and much more.”
Where it Grows - Tawa Tawa tea (Euphorbia hirta) or “The Asthma Plant” grows all over India, Asia, Japan, Australia, Philippines and in other parts of the world including the US.
Other names for the plant are: pill bearing spurge, garden spurge, hairy spurge, koko kahiki in Hawaii, and baridhudi in Hindi. It loves growing in open areas with lots of grass and even along side roads… and it’s easy to grow.
Parts Used - The leaves and stems are most commonly used for tea… but for certain applications even the roots are used.
Lowers Blood Pressure - Tawa Tawa Tea lowers blood pressure by being a anti-diuretic agent… containing a angiotensin enzyme that decreases urine output.
Anti-diuretic - Tawa Tawa Tea is great for those who suffer from drinking too much coffee and becoming too dehydrated or drinking too much alcohol. This tea decreases urine output thus helping to prevent dehydration. It contains tannins and other compounds that re-absorb electrolytes and water into the system.
Antibacterial, Anti-fungal, and Ameba Agent - Tawa Tawa Tea is a good antibacterial, anti-ameba, and anti-fungal agent that inhibits the growth of these infections… plus the tea can be used externally for treating athletes foot. It’s recommended for internal use to boil up to 50 grams of the fresh leaves in 4 cups water for 3 or 4 minutes, then drinking 3 to 5 cups a day.
GI Tract - Tawa Tawa Tea calms and soothes the GI tract and puts an end to diarrhea. For diarrhea use one teaspoon of the dried leaves steeped in one cup of water for 5 to 10 minutes and drink 2 or 3 cups a day.
Relaxing Agent - Tawa Tawa Tea also helps to sooth away anxiety and stress. For stress boil up to 50 grams of the fresh leaves in 4 cups water for 3 or 4 minutes, then drinking 3 to 5 cups a day.
Increases Platelet Production - Tawa Tawa Tea boosts platelet production. A study with rabbits at San Pedro College in the Philippines showed a 194% increase in platelet production. Steep 1 teaspoon of dried leaves in one cup of hot water for 10 minutes and drink 2 to 3 times a day.
Dengue Fever - Tawa Tawa Tea can boost platelet production which is important for treating Dengue Fever. But it should not be used for more than 24 hours or up to 2 or 3 days in the beginning stages of Dengue Fever.
Asthma and Bronchitis - Tawa Tawa Tea works well for asthma and bronchitis as a bronchodilator… thus making it easier to breathe.
Skin Problems - The fresh sap of the plant can be applied externally for treating wounds, boils, warts, fungi, and rashes… it will turn dark blue when applied. Plus a dried powder of the leaves can also be used for open wounds.
Oral Ulcers - Tawa Tawa Tea used as a gargle heals oral ulcers… because it kills bacteria.
Use - Tawa Tawa Tea should only be used for short periods of time. Sometimes only 24 hours, at other times 5 or 6 days, it’s very powerful and must be used with care.
Forms - Tawa Tawa can be found as teas, capsules, and powders.
 Credit to: Dr. Paul Haider

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